The LoRa 915MHz antenna is an omnidirectional outdoor antenna that operates in the 902 to 928MHz ISM band and has a core frequency of 915MHz. The antenna is intended for use in industrial and environmental monitoring, mesh network applications, and LoRa and LPWA networks, among other things. This series omnidirectional antenna radiates consistently in the azimuth from 3 to 9dBi gain. This collinear design feature gives the highest performance, providing better coverage and hence longer range in the horizontal plane over 360 degrees, reducing the number of mesh nodes required. Because of the UV protection, this design is extremely robust and can be used in any weather condition, even in a tough environment. Lora 915Mhz antennas are simple to use and may be immediately connected to access points. One pair of packing contains a U-bolt and waterproof tape, allowing the antenna to be mounted on a wall or pole depending on the situation.
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